Central Appalachian Astronomy Club








 Exploring the wonders of the universe! 

























About CAAC

The Central Appalachian Astronomy Club is a non-profit organization. Our goal is to promote amateur astronomy and share our experiences with others. We are partners in education with area schools and universities.    Membership is open to the public.  Meetings are held monthly at the home of our president Joe Gonzalez. This is also the location of our club's observatory. 

 Our Observatory

The observatory is a twenty foot Ash Dome and houses our 16 inch Meade LX200 telescope. Members are able to arrange viewing time on this amazing instrument. We can also show groups live images of objects using an electronic eyepiece to display on a large monitor.



Central Appalachian Astronomy Club

The March meeting is scheduled for 3/15/25

It will be held at the Good hope Observatory in Good Hope, WV. Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck dinner held prior to the meeting.

Please check back here or on our facebook page for any changes to this schedule. 
Additional club information can be found on our Facebook  page - Central Appalachian Astronomy Club

Want to  JOIN CAAC click here

Check out our links page

 for many great astronomy related resource sites.


You're Invited to

Green Bank

Star Quest 

June 25-28, 2025.

Our annual star party

Great news: Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer for the SETI Institute will be our Keynote speaker for Saturday night at Star Quest.

If anyone would like to donate a Science or Astronomy related raffle prize for Star Quest 20, it would be greatly appreciated. Contact Vice President - John Taylor: 304-265-5514

Please check the website and the Facebook page frequently for additional info as it  becomes available to us. We hope to see you there!!!

Click link below for more details

  Green Bank Star Quest

visit and like our Facebook page - Green Bank Star Quest
Call 304-265-5514
or 304-669-3555 with questions






Copyright  2024 by the Central Appalachian Astronomy Club

PO BOX 211                                                                                                        

Grafton, WV 26354-0211


The Central Appalachian Astronomy Club is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Organization

Read our Disclaimer for information regarding copyrights.